MetaSolutions – Welcome to the team, Shirley Wang!

We are pleased to introduce one of the newest members of the MetaSolutions team: Shirley Wang, our talented front-end developer who joined us in early August. Shirley brings with her a wealth of experience and a passion for open source development, which is exactly what attracted her to us!

When asked why she chose MetaSolutions, Shirley answered:

– The best selling point is open source. That caught my attention. Even without reading the entire ad, I jumped on board when I read “Open Source”.

We’re proud to have built a workplace that shares Shirley’s values and commitment to open collaboration.

What Shirley does at MetaSolutions

As a front-end developer, Shirley plays a critical role in shaping what users see and experience when they interact with EntryScape. Whether it’s fixing bugs, adding new features, or improving existing ones, Shirley’s focus is on ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience while adhering to the platform’s established design styles.

– I update what users can see and do, she explains. I fix small bugs in the EntryScape application or add to existing features to make them better.

We’re thrilled to see the impact she’s made in such a short time!

First impressions

Starting a new role always comes with its challenges, especially when diving into a large codebase like the one behind EntryScape. But Shirley has embraced it with enthusiasm.

– It’s always a struggle coming into new projects, but I’m getting there. Everyone has been so helpful and supportive, she says.

It’s been great to see how quickly Shirley has integrated into the team, and we look forward to supporting her continued growth and contributions.

A little about Shirley’s background

Prior to joining MetaSolutions, Shirley worked at React, where she focused on front-end functionality and user interface design. Her experience spans everything the end user interacts with, making her a valuable addition to the team.

– Anything the end user can touch, I can do, she says, reflecting her strong background in front-end development.

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