Develop your Linked Data model

Do you need to express an information model for linked data? Are you thinking of how to create a graph database, a data portal, or simply organizing your organization’s datasets? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Let us explain why the answer lies in Entryscape Models.

Built on Linked Data and Open Standards

EntryScape Models is the data modeling tool for linked data that ensures outstanding interoperability and reusability. EntryScape Models is built on open formats and linked data standards such as RDFS, SKOS, PROF and SHACL.

The application profiles you create can be used for generating specifications, validating data, editing as well as presenting the information.

Centered on Application Profiles!

Application Profiles fosters Interoperability

EntryScape Models allows you to define classes and properties to capture new semantics. But most importantly, EntryScape Models allows you to reuse and refine existing classes and properties from well known vocabularies by defining Application Profiles. The latter approach is vital to enable interoperability and data integration.

UML Class Diagrams

EntryScape Models acknowledges that UML class diagrams are the industry standard in diagrammatic representations of information models. For that purpose EntryScape Models maintains multilingual and interactive UML class diagrams of the linked data model, including classes, properties and application profiles. Users can create multiple variants to suppress information or adjust the automatic layout for better readability.

Linked Data Specifications

EntryScape Models embraces the Profiles Vocabulary (PROF) perspective on specifications as packages of resources that are useful to understand data. A specification resource may be a document, a diagram, a Schema, an application profile and so on. A specification can be built to freeze the current state and allow multiple versions of the model to be maintained.

Data Validation with SHACL

EntryScape Models uses the Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) to ensure rigorous data quality. By defining and enforcing data constraints, SHACL helps maintain the accuracy and consistency of RDF data, providing a robust framework for data validation.

Editing and presenting via RDForms

The models in EntryScape Models can be exported as RDForms Templates to provide user interfaces for authoring and presentation of data without any extra development effort. These templates can be used to configure other parts of the EntryScape Platform (e.g. Catalog, Terms, Workbench, Blocks) to support your model.

Why do you need EntryScape Models?

Here we present three examples of many potential use cases for EntryScape Models. EntryScape Models is not constrained to any specific information model and you can define your own from scratch or repurpose any existing to your needs.

1. Adapt DCAT-AP to your country or domain

DCAT-AP is a European application profile of DCAT for how to express interoperable data catalogs. Many countries maintain a country specific adaptation that both provide guidance, refinements and smaller deviations from the stock version. There are also domains such as geodata, transport, statistics, health etc. that provide additional fields to provide better coverage for their specific needs.

EntryScape Models excels in maintaining such adaptations as a refinement on top of the stock version of DCAT-AP. The benefit is that you can define the profile by what makes it unique rather than a deep copy that needs to be kept in phase with all changes to the original model.

2. Application Profile of Dublin Core Terms

Dublin Core Terms is perhaps the most widely used vocabulary within the linked data domain. An important reason is that it provides a range of properties such as title, publisher etc. that have a very wide area of applicability without constraining their use to any specific class. An effect of this is that the Dublin Core community has been vocal about the need for application profiles for a long time.

EntryScape Models is one of the few tools that has explicit support for building application profiles and it has been developed with the requirements of the Dublin Core community in mind. Furthermore, Dublin Core is already available as a model for reuse in the library of EntryScape Models.

3. Subset of provides a wide range of classes and properties for many different needs. Consequently many of the properties can be used on many classes allowing for a multitude of different combinations. EntryScape Models is the perfect tool to make a selection and constrain how these properties work together to accomplish a model that fits your specific needs.

A good example of this is the tourism domain where the classes LodgingBusiness, FoodEstablishment, Place, Event, Trip and Store corresponds to the backbone of the information model.

Contact us here for a first introduction meeting!