EntryScape is now available in version 3.2. This is a minor release where the changes mostly change things that happen behind the scenes. What is new for you as a user is that you can filter out data templates more easily and that visualizations are automatically updated when you update a distribution that has a visualization.

A little over a month and a summer of vacations have passed since we last spoke. Here’s an update on the changes that have taken place and that come with this release.


– Datasets contained in data templates can now be filtered. This makes it easier to find the data template you want to use to prepare, describe and publish data!


– Visualizations are now automatically reloaded when you update a distribution by, for example, replacing a file. This means that the visualization does not disappear but is instead updated and refreshed with changed data in your deployment – handy huh?

Try the latest version on EntryScape Free

You can test the new version for free on EntryScape Free with EntryScape Catalog and EntryScape Terms!


Open development for open data

EntryScape is an open source software for smart information management. Since 2014, EntryScape has evolved to become the market-leading solution for metadata, open data and shared data in Sweden. As EntryScape grows, new updates are regularly released. Here we describe the improvements with the latest version.

If you want to dig into the details, you can read more about all the issues in the release with new functionality, bug fixes, changes and more on our open project management and source code hosted at Bitbucket.

You can read more on our website about EntryScape Free and test it for free. You can read the changelog with all highlighted changes here. If you are interested in reading about issues, including bug fixes related to this version of EntryScape – read more here.